Established in 2007, the sound:frame festival deals with audiovisual forms of expression within the contexts of exhibitions and performances. Each year, intercreativity and the convergence of musicians, artists, and theoreticians from visual arts, media art, architecture, and music constitute the core of the festival’s thematic focus. In 2014, sound:frame will follow up the previous years’ themes, «EVOLUTION remixed!» 2009, «dimensions» 2010, «perFORMance» 2011, «substructions» 2012, and «collective» 2013, with «A MATTER OF…».

«A MATTER OF...» is the title of this year’s sound:frame festival. Placing the practice of posing questions and calling things into question front and center, it focuses on reflection processes within the development of audiovisual formats, the audiovisual artwork and its reception, and on the term “audiovisual art” itself. A matter of perspective, a matter of process, a matter of reflection, a matter of content, a matter of... this may be expanded at will. The question itself remains.

Important key words such as “perspective,” “(self-)reflection,” “development,” “rethinking,” “placing,” or “going beyond yourself” are an array of terms that have shaped the sound:frame tradition for the past two years: bringing up festival-specific questions and thus making the festival itself the topic of discussion. After two years of formal, social, and organizational self-reflection, the art form itself, the creative process, and the artwork once again take center stage.

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